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时间: 新华 四年级





1.学习本文主要新单词:cry break monster

2.学会运用核心句型 Did you…?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.







能正确运用核心句型 Did you…?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.就过去发生的事情提问和回答。


动词的过去式: Did+动词原型? scary/ monster的发音


单词卡, 录音机,CAI, Ms Smart和 Sam Amy 和Tom 的卡片。



T: Good morning. Boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning. Miss Yan.

T: How are you, today? S: I am fine!

二、Warming up

T: First, let’s say a chant together, ok?

Ss: Ok. T: Ok,stand up. ……

T: Today, I will divide you into 4 groups.

If you do very well, I will give you a point.

And which group can finish the picture, you are the winner, understand?

三、Lead in

T: Ok, now, Look at the screen, please.

Last week, I went to the supermarket, I read books and I listened to the music then cleaned my room.(6个)做图片

T: And what did you do last week?

OK, you please. S1: …。

S2: …。 T: And did you....?(2.等出示完no,I didn‘t时候在出示)(没说到我所示范的动词短语时问)

Ss: No, I didn’t.(1.先出示教具) (对主要句型进行操练,对话练习等)

T: Did you watch TV? Did you see a scary thing?

T: Did you play with your toys? S1: Yes, I did.

T: You know I played with my toy, right? And I broke my toy.拿出实物(对全班讲)

And did you break your toy?(对S1)


(1)T: Ok, now. look at the picture. Who is he?

Ss: He is Tom. T: Tom is crying. What’s the matter? Do you know?

Ss: No. T: Ok, let’s listen to the CD-ROM.


1. Did Tom fall?

2. Did Tom break his toy?

3. Did Tom see a scary thing?

(3)Check the answers. Where did you find the answer? 找出答案所在图片进行操练

(4)操练课文T: Ok, now, read the text toghter.

T: Now, read the text in your groups.

T: 分角色朗读


Monster,monster,did you…?


1. Use these sentences to make a short dialogue with your partner.

2. Read the text for 3 times.


1. 评价方式: 做四个玩具卡片,将玩具卡片拆分来当评价方式。每组都事先给他们一个玩具图形,如果表现好的话,就在给她们奖励另外一个玩具评价卡片,如果表现不好,就在原有的评价卡片上拆掉一片,同样导入,这是在break your toys。

2. 本文是重点新词和重点句子都用卡片的形式做出来:cry、break、monster

3. 做Tom、Amy 及Ms smart的卡通头像


What would you like?


1.Listen to the tape

2.Sing the song


教学内容:Unit 6 Meet my family(1)


Learn the sentences of Part A

教学重点:The new sentences

教学难点:The new sentences



Step1: Revision

Step2: Learn the new sentences

1、Look at the pictures

2、Listen to the tape

3、Read the sentences after the tape

4、Read the sentences

5、Learn the new sentences

Step3: Let’s play

1、Look at the sentences

2、Read the sentences

Step4:Do the exercises

Step5:Summary and homework



Look and read Play a game


1. 知识目标:Using possessive adjectives to show possession Using nouns phrases to identify people,animals,events,objects and activities Asking simple questions to obtain yes/no answers

2. 能力目标:Communicate with teachers or other learners

3. 情态目标:爱护绿化


Its stalk is long. Has it got …?

Teaching aids:pictures,recorder


一、Warming –up

1,Sing a song

2,Daily talk

Revision Review:stalk,leaves,flowers,roots,


1.Show a picture of a plant with flowers. Ask:What is it?Is it a tree? To elicit:a plant/ Ask:What colour are the flowers? What colour are the leaves? To elicit:They?re… Ask:Are they long or short? To elicit:They?re long(short) .

2.Draw another plants. Say:Look at this plant.Its flowers are red. Look at that plant .Its flowers are purple.

3.Listen to the tape.

4.Say sth.about the plant .

Show a picture of a tree. Introduce:a trunk,branches.

Make sentences:Its trunk is big. It branches are long.

Listeen to the tape.

Say sth about the tree.

Play the cassette:

Play a game/ Listen and repeat.

Play this game.


1.Photocopiable pages 44-45.

2.Workbook page 29.

3.Grammar practice book 4a page 35.


Unit 2 Look at,,, Its stalk is…

Its trunk is…

leaves are …branches… roots flowers


Did you have a nice holidy?



a.Key words and phrases: north, south

b.Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China.

c.Task aim:

1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this.

2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice.

过程与方法: 课文、方向、对比



重点:Key words and phrases: north, south

Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China.

难点:Task aim:

1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this.

2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice.



(一)导入:1. Singing a song together.

Choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city)

Teacher shows the picture of Beijing, Sanya, Washington, and San Francisco on TV.

(二)探究新知Q: Do you like Beijing? And look at it

S: Describe it (position…)

Q: There is a famous city in China, What is it / It’s very hot.

S: Sanya and describe it.

And use the same way to show Washington (to teach north, south, east, and west) We can use a map to learn four words.

Listen and match. Then point and say (consolidate to remember the four position words) Finish the part 1on Activity book.

Give them 2’ to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups

Point ,ask and answer

Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard)

(三)巩固新知A: Where is New York? B: It’s in the east.

( Look at pictures and describe the position of it )

Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book.Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house?

(Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in …)



1. Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out)

2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation)


Unite 2 Did you have a nice holidy?



Grandma cooked fish?



1 Vocabulary: him laugh dance stop last

2 Sentences: Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

3 Grammar: using the past tense.




重点:him laugh dance stop last

Did Dad cook lunch?

Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

难点:using the past tense.



(一)导入:Warming up

T: Hi, boys and girls! Yesterday I talked with my friends and I watched TV. What about you? Did you watch TV yesterday?

S1: Yes, I did.

T: Did you listen to music yesterday?

S2: No, I didn’t

T: Did you clean the house?

S3: Yes, I did. 

T: What did they do yesterday? Point and say (show the 6 pictures on page 35) (screen)

S1: Grandma cooked fish

(二)探究新知Review and leading

•Let’s come to the Smarts. What are they in their family? What did they do yesterday? Are you clear?

Listen to the tape and repeat (CAI)

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

S1: Answer the questions.

3 New concepts

•T: Now this class we’re going to learn Module 9 Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?

Pair work Talk about the pictures on page 36 (CAI)

S1: Did Dad cook noodles yesterday? S2: Yes, he did.

Complete Ex 1 Listen and match

Ask some students to give the similar questions.

S1: Ask S2: Answer.

•Find out the past tense of the verbs, Underline the past verbs.

Read the verbs after the teacher. Which is new word? Ask students to point out.

S1: Point out the new words.

Learn to say the new words (cards) .Then listen, say and chant.


•Talk about something about your last weekend.

S1: I talked with my grandma last weekend.

S2: I played football last weekend.

S3: I …

•Let’s play a game. Guess what he/she did last weekend?

S1: Last weekend, I …

S2: Did you play tennis last weekend?

S1: No, I didn’t.

S3: Did you watch TV last weekend?

S1: No, I didn’t. 

S4: Did you play football last weekend?

S1: Yes, I did.

David 8 groups to play the game.

Complete Ex 3 at the same time.



板书设计Designs of the blackboard

Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish?

Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.
