(2)教材分析与学生分析: 本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。
(3) 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading
The third period: Grammar
The forth Period:Listening
The fifth period: Writing
①知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.
②过程与方法:本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才能交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,可以再引导学生深入讨论几个与本单元话题有关的问题:1.描述朋友; 2. 结交网友;3. 观点交流;4. 善不善交朋友; 5. 朋友的重要性。
(5) 教学重点和难点:
词汇:add point upset ignore calm concern cheat share reason list series crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust suffer advice situation communicate habit
短语: add up calm down have got to be concerned about go through hide away set down on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in
重点语法项目: 直接引语和间接引语的互相转换
难点:Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship;
Discuss the answers to the questions (Reading);
How to teach the Ss to master the usage of Direct Speech and Indirect
Speech(Statement and Questions).
(6) 教学策略: Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pairwork, teach grammar in real situation
(7) 教学煤体设计: A projector and a tape recorder.
(8) 教学过程:
Period One:Speaking (Warming Up and Pre-Reading)
Talk about friends and friendship.
Practise talking about agreement and disagreement.
Step I Revision
Ask some of the students to read his / her composition for the class, describing one of the problems between friends and how it is solved. Then give some comments.
T: Now, let's check up your homework for last class. I'd like some of you to read his / her composition for the class, describe one of the problems between friends and how it is solved.
Step II Warming up
T: / think most of us have some good friends. Do you know why people make friends with one another?
Step III Talking(WB P41)
First get the students to listen to what a Canadian say about making friends. Then ask them to discuss the two questions.
T: Now we're going to listen to what Leslie Clark, a Canadian has got to say about making friends. After listening, please talk about the two questions in groups of 4. Try to use the following expressions.
1 Do you agree with her?
2 What do you think of people from foreign countries?
Agreement Disagreement
I think so, I don't think so.
I agree.I don't agree
That's correct.Of course not.
That's exactly my opinion. I'm afraid not.
You're quite right. I don't think you are right.
Step IV Speaking(B P6)
First, get the students to think of four situations among friends in groups of 4 and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends their classmates are. Second, try it out on their own group, checking the questionnaire through and adding up their score and see how many points they can get. Ask them to fill in the form prepared before class. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends their classmates are. Third, ask each student to stand up and walk around the classroom to make a survey on four of other classmates. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends other classmates are. They can share your questionnaire with one or two other groups and try each other's questionnaires.
At last, show the instructions to help your classmates to know how to improve his or her skills of making good friends with others if necessary.
T: Friends come in many flavors. There are best friends, school friends, fair-weather friends, forever friends and many more. Do you want to know what kind of friends your classmates are? Now let's make a survey. First, please think of four situations among friends and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.
1. Your friend borrowed 100 Yuan from you last week and hasn't returned it. You will
A. ask him / her to pay back as soon as possible; or you'll end the friendship.
B. ask him / her to pay back if he / she has.
C. tell him / her not to return it.
2. Your friend said your bad words behind you. You will
A. ask him / her to say sorry to you , or you'll stop your friendship.
B. excuse him / her and forget it.
C. ask others to tell him / her that he/she is wrong.
3. You promised to meet your friend at five o'clock but your parents ask you to do homework at home. You will
A. tell him your parents ask you to do homework at home.
B. tell him / her a lie that you are ill.
C. say sorry to him / her and plan to meet him / her another time.
4. You borrowed a bike from your friend, but you had it stolen. You will
A. buy a new one which is the same as his / hers.
B. just tell him / her you had it stolen.
C. say sorry to him/her and buy him/her an old one
After they finish choosing the answers, show the scoring sheet on the screen.
2-5 A fair-weather friend
Only like them when they are happy and popular. If they are feeling down, or if they are having a problem, you don't want to spend time or talk with them. You don't help your friends when they have problems. You are always thinking about yourself.
You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and don't consider others' feelings, you won't make more friends and keep friendship for long.
6-11 A school friend
You see each other in school. You just study and play with them together in school. You may not know everything about each other. You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. You'd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.
12-17 A best friend
You do everything together with your friends: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. If either one has a problem, the other is there to help. You know your friends very well. You understand and yield to each other. You help with each other and improve together. You have a lot of common benefit. Your friendship is good to both of you. You are mutually beneficial.
18-21 Forever friend
You will always listen to your friends and try to help them, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem. Whenever they have any difficulty, you'll try your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation. You devote yourself to your best friends. You are willing to lose what you have, even your life.
一、教学说明 (Teaching Remarks):
二、教学目标(Teaching Aims):
知识目标:通过阅读 Reading这篇文章,学习文中的一些有用的词语和句型扩大学生的词汇量,提高语言运用能力。
能力目标:1. 采用不同的阅读方法理解课文,提高学生的阅读能力。
2. 学习文中成功的语言学习者的优秀品质,并鼓励学生将其运用到实践当中,以便提高自己的英语学习能力。
德育目标: 教导学生:好的学习方法固然重要,但勤勉更重要。“no pains, no gains.”
三、教学重点(Teaching Key Points):
1.采用不同的阅读技巧,让学生了解文章大意,并归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text)。
四、教学难点(Teaching Difficult Points):
五、教学方法(Teaching Methods):
1. Ask and answer 和 pictures 相结合,导入课文。
2. Fast reading 归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text), 提高学生的阅读能力。
3. Careful reading 回答问题,了解文章细节内容。
4. Group work 讨论成功语言学习者的经验和特点。
5. Explaining and learning 掌握文中重点词汇、句型。
六、教学辅助(Teaching Aids):
Multi-media Computer,tape
首先利用课文标题 “Learning a Foreign Language: Twice as Hard?” 问学生 “How do you think of this question?” 让学生讨论导入。然后利用图片与Pre-reading部分的问题相结合的方式,展开讨论与问答,启发学生思考,引起联想,使学生对语言学习这个问题产生更浓的兴趣,以
促使他们学习方式的优化,提高其自主学习的能力。由于Pre-reading部分内容都在 “Reading”部分要进一步阐明,这就让学生先行考虑, 做好了准备,使他们提高阅读的自主性。
Question1. How do we learn our mother tongue? 配以 “中国孩子认汉字、学古诗”和“外国孩子学母语,”的图片,学生根据图片和自身的经历便可轻而易举地回答此问题。
Question2. What are the difficulties we must face in learning English?
Question3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue? 配以孩子们围绕着电视看卡通米老鼠学英语的图片。让学生感受到我们从小是如何学英语的以及学英语和学母语 的区别。
Question4. What are the characteristics of successful language learners?
Question5. How can we develop our confidence?
Question6. What can we do to learn better and faster?
有了以上的准备工作,让学生进入Reading 快读。首句阅读并skim the whole text,找出每段的大意,呈现于屏幕上,检查学生阅读的效果,把握学生对文章的总体理解程度。
Question1. How do we acquire our mother tongue? (paragraph1)
Question2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue? ( paragraph2)
Question3. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue? (paragraph2)
Question4. How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother tongue? (paragraph3)
Question5. In the writer’s opinion, which is faster learning mother tongue and learning foreign language? (paragraph3)
Question6. Why are some people better at learning foreign language than others? (paragraph4)
Question7. Why are successful language students able to gain confidence and to relax and enjoy learning? (paragraph5)
Question8. In which areas are
the successful language learners better? (paragraph5)
Question9. How can the learners make their language acquisition better? (paragraph5)
Question10. How can we become successful language learners? (paragraph 6)
Teaching Plan
(Pre-reading and Reading Unit 8 Senior 3)
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims
1.Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
2.Develop the Ss’learning language ability.
3、Learn some useful expressions and sentences
4、“No pains,no gains.” Diligence is the key to success.
Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability. Sum up the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the text.
2.Learn some useful expressions and sentences
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points
1. How do the students use the characteristics of the successful learners to improve their English study?
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Ask and answer
2. Fast and careful reading
3. Group work
4. Explaining and learning
Ⅴ. Teaching Aids
Multi-media Computer, tape
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step1. Greeting.
The teacher and the students greet
each other.
Step2. Lead-in.
Step3. Fast-reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the author.
Step4. Careful reading to answer some questions.
Step5. Explain and memorise the useful expressions and sentences.
Step6. Listen to the tape and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step7. Test
Step8. Summary
1. the characteristics of the good language learners.
2.the useful expressions and sentences
Step8. The design of the writing on the blackboard
-Useful expressions:
1.communicate with sb./sth.
2.make sense of
3.be equipped with
4.adjust oneself to sth. / adapt to sth.
5.regardless of
6.take chances / a chance
7.take risks / a risk
8.experiment with sth.
9.contribute to sth ./ doing sth.
Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(原文)
部分否定句的构成:not all / both / every---- =all / both / every----not----
eg. All the answers are not right. = Not all the answers are right.
Both of the books are not useful. = Not both of the books are useful.
Not every student wants to take part in the game. = Every student doesn’t want to take part in the game.
Step9. Extra work
Retell the text according to the main idea of each paragraph.
Step10. Record after teaching
课题:Module 5 Unit3 Life in the future
Reading: First impressions
本单元的中心话题是谈论未来生活,本节课时本单元的第一节阅读课,是一篇科普文章,主要是由一个故事来呈现,通过讲述LiQiang 因为中奖来到3008年亲身经历了在未来生活中交通,环境,住房等方面发生的巨大变化,第一印象和感受。
The students will be able to
1. sum up the main idea of the story and each paragraph.
2. make inference about the writer’s attitude towards the future life and to identify the evidence used to infer them.
3. describe the future life by using the language from the text and talk about their imaginations of the future life
1) 学生利用上下文猜测的阅读技巧,图片和flash等方式的资源,理解未来生活进行描述的细节信息。
例:There are many students living at school,the (child) houses are all far from schoo1.
由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格children’s。
例:A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.
句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。
代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。
例:The king decided to see the painter by (he).
例:I am— —(tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class.
此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。
数词的形式变化包括基数词、序数词,或加后缀一teen、ty的变化,甚至还有作分母用的序数词的单复数形式,以及one/two的特殊变化形式 once/twice
例:To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a half,my second son shall take a (three).
从上下文连续起来理解,这是一个分马的计划,大儿子分得a half,也就是“一半”或“二分之一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词“third”才能命中目标。
例:Lious lost his wallet yesterday,SO he was very____(happiness).
例1:The children were playing on the ground,enjoying____,dirty but happy.
从句中的happy可以 猜出孩子们是开心的,所以应用enj0y oneself短语,故其答案为themselves。
例2:His boss was____angry as to fire him.
如果“跳过”横线后面的angry,就可以发现这里用到一个关联短语so...as to...,所以,so是正解。
例1:He did not done_____his father had asked him to do.
例2:Those_____want to go to the village must sign here.
例1:The us consists____fifty states.
例2:Mrs Baker was ill,so her daughter had to ask for
leave to take_____of her.
生病需要人照顾,所以答案是care,与前后词构成take care of。
短语介词即多个词的组合。起介词作用的短语,如:except for,due to等。
例1:Mr Smith took a plane to London____of taking a train.
此题中说到两种交通工具,所以可以理解此句有“坐……而不是坐……”的意思,故答案为instead,以构成介词短语instead of。
例2:Just then,he saw a blackboard in_____of him.
细心观察,可以看出填人fr0nt即可构成in front of,此题得解。
常用的连词有and,or,but,so,for,while等,常用的关联短语有both…and...,either…or...,neither…nor...,not only…but also...等。
例1:Little Wang Jun could not go to school,_____his family was too poor.
例2:____Marrie and Jannie like going to the theatre.
例1:Jackie likes to drive at____ high speed.这里考查的是不定冠词的习惯用法,答案为a,构成at a high speed,“以高速”开车。
例2:Old Tom’s granddaughter used to visit him_____Saturday afternoon.
Saturday afternoon是指定的某天下午,所以不用介词in,而用on才是正解。
例3:Though Liu Qiang did the same work____Zhang Wen did,he got a lower pay______Zhang Wen.
第一条横线可由前面的the same断出用as,第二条横线则可由lower断出比较意义,故答案为than。
例4:It was only one day left,_____,his father had no idea to answer him.
例:Tony____travelling abroad,but dislikes staying home watching TV.
1、Warming up 部分通过对一系列问题的讨论来确定自己属于哪一种人,具有怎样的品德和个性。目的是让学生学会谈论社会行为和社会关系。
5、Language practice部分设计了系列练习,让学生在练习中巩固本单元所学习的重要单词和短语。
6、Integrating skills 部分讲述了李永红奋斗的经历,是让学生在阅读中理解成功的真正含义并让学生意识到每个人的成功之路是不同的,每个人都应选择适合自己的成功之路。
二、 教学重点和难点
1、词汇:重点单词和短语: reputation compromise contradictory ambitious congratulate hands-on stick with through thick and thin pull out of in reality keep an/one’s eye on take…into account as a whole once again live up to
2、Make the students be free to talk about social behaviors
3、Understand the reading passage and can talk more about teamwork.
4、Improve the students’ reading and writing skills.
1、How to make the students express their ideas freely, and let students solve some problems in daily life.
2. Help students improve their listening memory ability.
3. How to understand the reading passage better and grasp its main idea.
4. Master some new words and phrases, and know how to write a letter about success.
1. 话题:Talking about social behavior and social relations.
2. 功能:Expressing decisions and opinions. 3. 词汇:(见教学重点)
1. 说:要求学生根据三个情景复习表达意图和决定的句型,进行讨论。
2. 读:要求学生理清文章的脉络和主要观点,继续训练各种阅读技能。
3. 写:通过本单元的学习,要求学生用书信的形式,表达对人生选择和成功的看法。
1. 通过阅读Teamwork这篇文章,帮助学生树立合作意识。
2. 通过学习和讨论何谓成功的话题,帮助学生形成对成功的科学看法,从而树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。
Teaching methods:
1. Skimming and Scanning methods
2. Individual, pair work or group work
3. Discussion.
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Greetings and lead-in
T: I’m sure all of you know the story about Three Buddist Monks, right?
T: Now. let’s see the story.
一个和尚 一只蚂蚁……
三幅画 两个和尚 挑水 三幅画 几只蚂蚁……
三个和尚 很多只蚂蚁……
T:What’s the problem with the three monks? How do the ants work?
S:The monks had no water to drink, while ants carried a lot of rice/food to their caves.
T: So from these two groups of pictures, what have you learnt?
S: Cooperation is very important. In other words, teamwork is very important.
Step2 Pre-reading
T: Now can you give me some examples about situations in our daily life where we must co-operate to accomplish some particular tasks.
(Show pictures on the screen at the same time)
talk about sports games. Ask the Ss to discuss them with partners according to the following question:
What are the requirements for a sports team to function well?
Several minutes later, ask some students to answer the questions.
T: What is the most important thing do you think for a team to win a match?
T: Very good! I also think co-operation in a team is very important.
Step 3 Scanning
Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately. Then choose the right answers according to the passage.
Show the following questions on the screen.
1. In sports games, a player _______.
A. often changes his role B. has a clear role
C. feels that players with different abilities make different contributions to the team.
D. accepts the same expectations and responsibilities as the other players
2. The author takes for example to show how a team can work well._______
A. the sports team B. the project team C. the rugby team D. a dynamic team
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 7?_________
A. How a project team is different from a rugby team. B. How a project team works.
C. In a project team, people who have different abilities and personalities have different roles into team.
D. How the tasks of the group are divided depends on personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group.
Several minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers: 1. B 2.A 3. C
Step 4 Skimming
T: Now we are going to read the passage again and answer a few detailed questions on the screen.
1. Why are people sometimes made up a team to finish a job?
2. What is coach’s job in a sports team?
3. Why is working in groups at school an opportunity to learn about teamwork?
4. What does the task division for the group depend on in a team?
5. What will the lack of recognition of differences in human functioning lead to?
A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
Ⅱ. Show the following form on the screen. Ask the students to divide the text into several parts and try to summarize the main idea of each part. A few minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.
Suggested answers:
Parts Main idea
Part 1( Paras.1-2) What is a team.
Part 1( Paras.3-4) Sports team.
Part 3(.5) Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about teamwork.
Part 4( Paras.6-7) Project team.
Part 5( Paras.8-10) How to make teams function well.
Step 5 Post-reading
Ask the students to read the text again and finish the exercises in Post-reading.
Step6 Summary
The passage is mainly about the importance of teamwork. It tells us that teamwork is necessary and important because some work in our life cannot be accomplished by someone alone. Working in teams at school is a preparation for our future. To make the team function well, all team members should help, respect and support each other and be clear about their roles. On the other hand, it is important to know every member’s strengths and shortcomings, because different personalities and abilities can fit different requirements in the society and can help us avoid embarrassing other team members. In this way, we can make the best of working with team members.
Step 8 Homework
Look on your class as a team, and write a passage to show how to make teamwork function well to make your class strong and make great progress.
1. 同位语从句的功能
1) The king's decision that the prisoner would be set free surprised all the people.
2) The order that all the soldiers should stay still is given by the general.
2. 同位语在句子中的位置
He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.
3. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别
(1) 定语从句中的that既代替先行词,同时以在从句中作某个成分(主语或宾语),而同位语从句中的that是连词,只起连接主句与从句的作用,不充当句中任何成分。
(2) 定语从句是形容词性的,其功能是修饰先行词,对先行词加以限定,描述定的性质或特征;同位语从句是名词性的,其功能是对名词进行补充说明。例如:
1) The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year.(他告诉我的消息是汤姆明年将出国。)(第一个that引导的从句是定语从句,that在从句中作宾语)
2)The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him.(汤姆将出国的消息是他讲的。)(同位语从句,that在句中不作任何成分)
《Unit 1 Art》
1. 知识与技能目标
2. 过程与方法目标
(2)通过阅读课文利用Skimming 和 Scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能力。通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫。
3. 情感、态度、价值观目标
(三) Fast reading
(四)Detailed Reading: 详细阅读
(五)Challenge your speaking(口语能力提升)
提供参考词汇: Welcome to …
This museum is located in…
It displays(展出) art works in… centuries of …countries, including …
It will appeal to…
You shouldn’t miss…
(六)Challenge your writing (英语写作能力提升)
Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words
写作参考词汇:潍坊世界风筝博物馆(Weifang World Kite Museum)
杨家埠民间艺术大观园(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum)
kite 风筝 wood-print new year pictures木板年画 be located in 位于
…is famous/well-known for …因…而出名 it displays/shows…展出
Here you can enjoy… 在这里你可以欣赏到… artist 艺术家 appeal to 吸引 tourist 游客 it’s well worth a visit 很值得参观
10. 入场费(门票)
11. 一个…的收藏
15. 这家博物馆展示的不只是看得见的艺术之美,它还向你介绍了古代的生活方式。
16. 馆内没有永久展出,展品都是随时更换的。
Writing (写作测评)
Write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words