3.让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为good user而不仅仅是learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐。 高二英语既注重基础知识的考查,又强调能力的灵活运用。为了适应这一趋势,提高高二英语的教学质量,在高二英语教学中我将常抓基础知识,有梯度地拓宽词汇,提高课堂效率,从而努力提高学生学习的自觉性、主动性与积极性,通过师生互动,更进一步提高英语成绩。
本学期本人任高二(文)、(理)班, 从学生高一期末考试情况来看,存在以下三方面问题: ①在思想上、态度上放松或放弃的现象有所表露,读,不会读,就谈不上听得懂,看得懂,从而导致破罐子破摔的现象; ②基础知识不够扎实,灵活运用语言的技能相对薄弱; ③运用能力不够强实。学生的阅读能力、理解能力、分析能力、判断能力、应变能力等均不能较好地适应考查要求。语言学习的关键在于语言知识的积累,只有通过学习者亲身的体验和摸索,才能学会并掌握语言知识,从而达到在交际中灵活使用语言的目的。
1. Target Language目标语言
sightseeing, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrill, pot, unfair, smart, suggestion, tense, consistent, error
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to write a short passage about a place of interest they have visited.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students learn how to describe one of the places of interest they have visited.
How to describe a famous building or a place of interest.
Step Ⅰ Revision and Lead-in
Ask some students to read their work to the class.
T: As we know, advertising is very important in the business world. And nowadays, more and more ads for tourism appear on televisions, in the streets, on the buses, etc. Also, an appealing poster for a scenic spot is very important to draw visitors. So it should be written in an e_citing way. In the last period, you were asked to write a poster to encourage people to visit. Now who’d like to share your work?
A sample version:
Why not visit “the Oriental Hawaii”?
Hainan Island is the second largest island in China, covering an area of 33,920 square kilometers with a history of over 6,000 years. It lies in the south of China. The Qiongzhou Strait separates the Hainan Island from the mainland. Its neighboring countries are Philippines towards the east, Malaysia and Brunei towards the south, Indonesia towards the southwest, and Vietnam towards the west. Hainan Island has a population of 7.11 million, which consists of 10 nationalities. The people there make a living by growing rice, fishing, and so on. The climate is mild all year round. Hainan is called “the Oriental Hawaii”. Every year thousands of travelers visit the island. Among the famous places of interest are Yalong Bay (No.1 in the world), Tianya-Haijiao (Corner of the Earth), Dadong Sea, Luhuitou (Turn-round Deer), Sanya Bay, _iao Tongtian, Folk Village, etc.
Step Ⅱ Writing
Task 1: Ask the students to write a tour plan.
T: Suppose a group of foreign students are visiting our country. They will stay here for two weeks. At present they are in Shanghai. Their plan is to see at least three cities and three major scenic spots. Now please make a two-week plan for their tour. You must make sure that they can make full use of their time. Tell them what places they will see and where the various places are.
A sample tour plan:
Day 1: You will arrive in Shanghai, the city of China of 21st century. Shanghai is on the Huangpu River and also on the east coast, and has a population of more than 16 million. It is China’s most modernized city. You will have three days in Shanghai, during which time you will visit many famous scenic spots. The bund is a scenic walk along the river, and there are some temples in and around the city.
Day 4: You will travel a few kilometers by bus south-west to Hangzhou. There is a beautiful lake on the west of the city, and within a few kilometers of the city is a famous Buddhist Temple. You will have two days and two nights in Hangzhou.
Day 6: You will leave Hangzhou early in the morning for Guilin, just a short flight west of Hangzhou. You will see the Elephant Rock, in the center of the city, and then go on a boat on the beautiful Lijiang River to see the famous hills and cliffs. You will spend two days there.
Day 8: From Lijiang we fly to _i’an, which is a few hundred kilometers away from the coast. Not far from the city you will see the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, and just beyond the south gate to the city is the Wild Goose Pagoda. There are some other historical attractions in _i’an as well. You’ll have three days there.
Day 11: We leave early for the capital, Beijing, which is northeast of _i’an. In the north of the city is the Great Wall. The Palace Museum and Tian An Men Square are in the center of the city, and the Summer Palace is a short drive to the northwest. We’ll spend two days in Beijing.
Day 14: We leave at noon for our flight south to Shanghai, then make our way home.
Task 2: Ask the students to write a complaint letter. T: When you have some problems or are not satisfied with something, you can write a complaint letter to the people who are responsible for it. Ne_t please write a complaint letter to complain the problems or anything unsatisfactory at school or at home. Before your writing, please read the following tips carefully.
Show the following.
How to Write A Complaint Letter
· Include your name, address, home and work phone numbers.
· Type your letter if possible. If it is handwritten, make sure it is neat and easy to read.
· Make your letter brief and to the point. Include all important facts and any information you can give.
· State e_actly what you want done about the problem and how long you are willing to wait to get it resolved. Be reasonable.
· Include all documents regarding your problem. Be sure to send COPIES, not originals.
· Avoid writing an angry, sarcastic, or threatening letter. The person reading your letter probably was not responsible for your problem but may be very helpful in resolving it.
· Keep a copy of the letter for your records.
Then ask the students to make a list of things that they feel are important.
T: Think of anything at school or at home that you feel very strong about. Make a list and choose the one you think is the most serious and write a letter to draw attention.
A sample list of things:
1. I have to wait too long a time being served in the canteen.
2. Several of our teachers speak in a too low voice and the students who sit behind can’t hear clearly. 3. My parents often read my diary without my permission.
4. The school demands us to wear the ugly school uniform.
The most serious one is the first one in the list.
A sample letter:
Dear Mr. Sam,
I have enjoyed eating at your restaurant the last several years. In my opinion, your hamburgers are the best in our town. I tell my friends. However, last Friday evening, I waited in a line ten people deep while we watched a lone waitress going back and forth with light running steps trying to serve too many tables. After 15 minutes and not getting seated, I decided to leave and went to another restaurant. Why not hire a second waiter or waitress? And why not enlarge your restaurant? You have available space to the east. I wish you the best with your restaurant, and I hope you resolve the problems we met.
Step Ⅲ Homework
Ask the students to do the task in PROJECT on page 54.
a 知识目标:把握下列单词及短语:
cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character
b 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面练习,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。
c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。
d 重点、难点
首先, 以课文为中心,以情景引路,以理解和运用为目的。力求做到情景,意含其间,以情激听,以景促解。使学生形成一种渴求把握知识的内在需要和强大动力。从而使学生加深对语言材料的理解,轻松获得外语语感和增强记忆力。
1、用动画片头导入。 目的是运用小电影式的开场,激发学生浓厚的爱好,为学习课文做预备。
2、背景介绍。 画面出现三张迪斯尼青年、中年和老年的照片配英语旁白。引导学生猜出照片上的人物迪斯尼,然后让学生谈谈他们所了解的迪斯尼。
5、放映有关课文内容的卡通片、图片、音乐及英语配音。 目的是激发学生爱好。使学生在享受画面的同时锻炼听力。使学生在脱离汉语干扰的情况下,直接用英语去理解画面。使学生真正用英语思维去理解课文。
7、讲解语言点(包括情景演示)。 目的是使学生把握重点词组及其用法。
9、根据画面及文字提示,用英语讲故事。为学生提供两套有文字提示的画面《白雪公主》 和 《灰姑娘》。学生可根据自己的爱好选择一个。目的是练习学生口头作文和口语表达能力。
Step 4: Pair work
Can you think of more questions about the dynasties of ancient China? Having a talk with your partner.
Presentation Skill
Read the letter on page 38 and answer the questions.
1. Is this a formal or informal letter? How do you know?
Formal; We know because the writer addresses the recipient as Mr. Wu (not by the first name), mentions nothing personal, just the business matter, signs it with "Yours sincerely".
2. Why has Li Chen written the letter?
Because he needs some students' help for the archaeological dig during the summer holidays.
3. Who do you think Mr Wu is?
A teacher at a school.
4. In what way would this job be an interesting experience?
The students would have a chance to work in a team at an important archaeological site.
Cultural Corner
Step1 : Read the passage and answer the questions.)
1. Why did Qu Yuan kill himself?
Because Qin captured the capital of Chu.
2. What else do you know about Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival?
Step 2: Task: Making a presentation about ancient China
Think of a period of ancient China that interests you. Choose two or three important people or aspects of the period.
(1) A ruler and his achievements
(2) Poets or philosophers
(3) Building or relics that can still be seen todayPeriod TwoContent: Reading and vocabulary (1)
Step1: Fast reading
Read the passage. Number the topics in the order you read about them.
(a) The discovery of the warriors
(b) the men who made the warriors
(c) description of what the warriors look like
(d) why the writer is at the site
(e) Emperor Qin Shi Huang and his tomb
(f) how the soldiers were made
Answer: d, e, a, c, f, b
Step2: Read again Answer the question:
1. In which part of China is the underground tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang?
The northwest China's Shanxi Province.
2. How and when were the terracotta warriors discovered?
By farmers digging a well.
3. How many terracotta warriors are there?7,4004. Why were they made?
Because Emperor Qin wanted an army to protect him in the next life.
Step3: Look at the words from the passage and choose the correct answers.
县三中 覃巧
Time: October 21 ,20__
Class: Class 1,Grade 2
Teaching Aims:
1. Train the students’ reading ability
2. Learn more about English poetry through the passage
Teaching important and difficult point:
How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the text better.
Teaching methods:
1. Discussion 2.Fast reading 3. Careful reading
Teaching aid: Computer
Teaching Procedures:
StepI Greetings and Duty report
StepII Lead—in
1. Play a Chinese poem for students and then ask students to think about
the Chinese poets who the students have known.
2. Use five minutes to discuss them with students together.
StepIII Read the new words of this unit
Step IV Reading1. Play the Mp3 of the text and ask students to read the text
quickly .Then find out how many English poets are mentioned in the passage? Who are they ?
2. Read the passage again carefully and then do the exercises on the
3. Ask some students to give their answers.
Step V Summery
Step VI Homework
1. Ask the students to the text as much as possible and then pay
attention to the new words in the text.
2. Find out the answers what do the words in bold refer to in the passage.
1. think more ab out the relationship between science and nature.
2. describe some items and atmosphere with scien tific terms.
3. express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well.
4. develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7)
Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and ask students to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。
用一段有关增高术的听力引入 主题,主要是考虑到这一切入点与实际生活较为贴近,比较容易让学生有话说,作为人类利用科学对自然的东西做出改变的一个典型例子可以顺其自然得引入本课主题。
Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)
1. Explain the word “versus” ( Two sides are against each other)
2. Brainstorming. Ask students to think of other cases in which science goes against nature? The teacher can introduce some new vocabulary like GM food and plastic surgery which might be useful in later teaching. Show some pictures to help them better understand these things.
Suggested answers: GM food, cloning, dams, artificial rainfall, organ transplant, air-conditioner, cloud seeding, plastic surgery, euthanasia, etc.
3. Allow students some time to have a light discussion on advantages and disadvantages of any of the above cases.
4. In terms of science versus nature, what do you think the relationship between science and nature should be like?
(Both advance in harmony)
Step 3 Cloning (PPT 9-11)
1. Display pictures of Dolly and normal sheep on the screen. Tell them Dolly is a cloned sheep. But it looks no different from normal sheep. Show more pictures of cloned animals ( cloned calves, pigs, monkey and mule). Their names can be introduced here, which might arouse students’ more interest.
2. Introduce the concept of “copy”. Ask the students to think about this question: Are cloned animals exactly the same as the “mother animals”?
(They may have the same appearance but their physical qualities can be very different. Many cloned animals died at a much younger age than average.)
3. Interview one student about his feeling towards cloned animals by asking the following three questions: 1) If you happen to have a cloned cat, how would you feel? (excited) 2) What if another cat with the same appearance comes to you? (surprised and more excited) 3) What if more cats with the same appearance come to you? (shoc ked and scared)xkb1.com
4. Interview another student about his feeling towards a “cloned him”. Then ask the other students if they would like to see a “cloned him” and why.
5. Girls versus boys. Ask students to have a 2-minute debate on whether it would be a good idea to clone humans some day.
Step 4 Summary (PPT 12)
Give a brief summary of their debate. Point out any possible problems in their debate like the lack of ideas and supporting points. Tell students that you will read m ore about cloning in the following period and will have a further discussion.