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时间: 奕玲 数学教案




Section One

Step I. Go over the new words.

Have a dictation to the following words.

teenager, get lost, confident, timetable, wallet, intelligence,

have fun, get used to, adult, junior, instead of, turn into

Step II. Lead-in by a poem

An English poem

Love is like the wild rose-briar,

Friendship like the holly tree

The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms,

But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,

It is summer blossoms scent the air,

Yet wait till winter comes again,

And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then, scorn the silly rose –wreath now,

And the dark thee with holly’s sheen

That, when December blights thy brow

He still may leave the garland green.

Step III. Listen and read the test quickly, judge the following sentences.

1. Li Ming and Jenny have been communicating with each other through letters.

2. Li Ming is pretty good at English.

3. Li Ming and Da zhi are old friends.

4. When writing the letter, Li Ming has been a high school student for month.

5. Jenny feels more creative when she types on the computer.

6. Jenny and Pat are best friends.

7. In Jenny’s opinion, playing sports is a lot of fun and a good way to meet friends.

8. Jenny as well as 5 other girls will have a sleep-over party at School.

Step IV. 1. Ask the students read the text carefully and find out confusing language points and important sentences.

(1) It is always feels good to have friends to share the good times as well as the bad times.

(2) Friendship comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

(3) Her parents were not as angry as she had originally thought they would be.

(4) Although it was painful to lose such a close friend, it built me up into the individual person I am.

(5) It seems easier for me to express my thoughts and feelings.

2. Ask the students to ask some questions that they can not understand, then if other students can explain, make them answer. And if no one gives the answer, I will explain the confusing points to them, try my best to make the students learn more and be active.

Step V. Do exercises.

1. ⑴选择做 ________ ⑵需要 ________ ⑶想要做 ________

⑷由……组成 ________ ⑸过一种生活 ________ ⑹从旁边经过 ________

⑺压力重重 ________ ⑻由于,因为 ________ ⑼发生,进行 ________

⑽使某人逐渐成为_______ ⑾ 沉思 ________ ⑿喜欢做 ________

⒀上学 ________ ⒁集中于 ________

2. ⑴As the e_______ to the cinema, I met a friend of mine.

⑵ The news s_______ through the village quickly.

⑶ My father is not much a talker, and he is not good at e______ his feelings.

⑷ The encouraging speech a______ many people’s attention.

⑸ He has born in a w______ family, but he lived a poor life in his late life.

⑹ He is a very famous person, and he is always considered________(有创造力的)

⑺ He made an_________(通知)that he would go to Japan.

⑻ I am sure you will come to______(意识到)your mistakes

⑼ I am happy to have been_______(介绍)to the great scientist.

⑽ Our English teacher asked me to make a _______(相似的) dialogue.

Step VI. Homework

Preview section 2 and section 4

Section 2 and Section 3

Step I. Build the students’ comprehension

1. Have the students discuss the questions in groups of four.

2. Before I divide the class into groups for a short discussion on the this topic, practice the following language patterns.

3. When you agree someone you can use these words.

You are right.

That is true

You have got it

Sometimes you have to agree, but you do not want to. Use these words:

I am afraid I agree with you.

I hate to say it ,but I agree

When you strongly disagree, use these words:

I don’t think so.

I don’t agree

When you do not agree, but you want to speak less strongly, use these following words:

That is true, but there is a better way.

I see what you mean, but don’t you think …..

Let the students see the patterns on the screen, practice orally with the class. Keep the patterns on the screen, so that the students can refer to them when they are in groups discussing the topic.Then check the answer of the practice in this part.

Step II. Build your vocabulary

this can be assigned for homework

(Answers: 1. feel like 2. hate 3. agree with 4.go on the trip 5. feel good

6. choose/ chose)

Step III. Build the listening skills

With books closed, tell the students they will hear the tape once, then will be asked some true or false questions. Review the meaning of true or false.

Play one sentence at a time. After playing the sentence, ask for a volunteer to repeat what was said. If no one heard correctly, play it again. Ask if the statement is true or false.

Open the book to complete the listening activity.

(Answers: Part 1: 1. F 2. F 3. F; Part 2: 1. five 2. talk 3. friends 4. friendly)

Step IV. Build the speaking skills

1. First ask the students to read the dialogue with their desk mates and then ask some of them to act out in the class.

2. Than tell the students about the pronunciations of the vowel.

3. Now check other words on the screen, with each word, ask some students to pounce.

Step V. Build the writing skills

Ask the students to write a composition “my best friend”

Step VI. Grammar: attributive clause

1. 关系代词 who whom 和that

The girl______ is sitting next to me is my best friend.

The girl_______ I met just now is my best friend.

2. that 和which

The book______ I gave to my best friend is popular

The book_______ is popular was given to my best friend

3. whose

Do you know the girl______ name is Mary?

We are studying in the classroom______ door faces south

4. 关系副词 when ,where 和why.

I will never forget the day______ I was born.

I will never forget the place_______ I was born.

The reason_____ he went there is unknown.

Ask the students to study the above part and than ask them to do the exercise in the text book and workbook.

Section Four

Step I. Revision

Go over the following words.

Make friends, express, live a…life, entrance, agree with, type,

Indeed, find out, focus, consist of, wealthy, thanks to, consist of

Entry, thanks to

Step II. Ask the students listen to the type and check the following sentences.

1. At the beginning, the royal bull elephant enjoyed the poorly-fed stray dog’s company.

2. They soon got used to each other’s company.

3. One day, a man bought a dog and took it to a faraway village.

4. The royal bull elephant did not mind the dog’s absence.

5. The wise minister suggested the king make an official announcement to find the elephant.

6. At last the story has a happy ending.

Step III. Make the students read the text carefully and give the answers to the following questions.

1. Did you know that the elephants and dogs were “natural enemies”.

2. Is it impossible for natural enemies to become best friends?

3. What is the moral of this story? In other words, what truth or bit of wisdom does the writer want to show us through the story.

Step IV. Ask the students read the text carefully and find out confusing language points and important sentences. Then ask the students to ask some questions that they can not understand, then if other students can explain, make them answer. And if no one gives the answer, I will explain the confusing points to them, try my best to make the students learn more and be active.

Step V. Exercise


1. 像往常一样 ____________

2. 使 ….. 平静 ____________

3. 从旁边经过 ____________

4. 同意某人 ____________

5. 借宿别人 ____________

6. 发现,弄明白 ____________

7. 向…… 敞开大门 ____________

8. ….. 原因 ____________


1.I did not recognize your friend which came to our class.

2.Have you got everything which you need.

3. Can you think of a situation which you may use this expression.

4. She is one of the students who has won the prize money.

5. The doctor always worked heart and soul cured of me.

Step V. Homework

Review this unit and do the exercise.


Teaching Aims:

1) Warm up for the topic of this unit

2) Get Ss to know each other and practice Ss’ oral skills

3) Collect opinions about their ideal school life for future changes

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Meeting each other

a). Make a brief self-introduction to the Ss, include your experience, interest, your habit of teaching and your requirements of the class as well.

b). Ask Ss to make a self-introduction card: their names, interest, motto, ambition, promise or whatever they’d like others to know about themselves. Ask 2 or 3 guys to make a brief introduction, as you wish.

c). Group work: Ask Ss to form groups of 6 or 8, and introduce themselves to each other, meanwhile collect information about different tastes or interests in their group and make notes.

Step 2. Going through the tasks in textbook

a). Say “You’ve met each other and you’ll spend 3 years together here for your senior high school period. Before you graduate from junior middle school, what did you think high school is like?”

Collect different ideas about what they thought of high school. Then conclude their ideas : “High school may be a time of discovery, learning and hard work for Ss all over the world.”

b). Go through the pictures on page 1 of our textbook with the whole class, while checking whether they’re the same with Chinese school life.

Collect answers to the first 2 questions by asking Ss individually.

c). Allow Ss some minutes to discuss the third topic with each other in small groups (4) or in pairs and list down the key points of their dream school life. To simplize the task, you can instruct them to discuss the topic in such aspects as time, subjects, homework, activities, teachers, classmates, rules and so on.

Step 3 Free choices for different classes

Read and explain half of the words and expressions in this unit if possible. Or give Ss some extra materials to read if possible. (for best class)

Step 4 Assignment

1. Write a short passage to show what your dream school life is like.

2. Preview the new words & expressions and the text “School life in the UK”.

3. Finish some extra reading tasks for best class.

Period 2 Reading

Teaching Aims:

1) Allow Ss to get some information about British school life

2) Practise Ss’ reading skills by reading the text and finding useful information to answer questions

3) Practise Ss’ ability of organizing materials by the retelling task

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Reviewing and warming up

Ask Ss to read out their passages about their dream school life while listing out the key words in their passages, eg: time, subjects, freedom, choices, homework -------

Say “We’re going to learn a new passage about the school life in the Uk, see if there is sth that can meet your dream of the ideal school life.”

Step 2. Reading and analyzing

a). Tell Ss the strategy of skimming and scanning.

Ask them to read the text and find answers to the questions in Part A as fast as they can.

Check their answers.

b). Ask Ss to read the text intensively again and finish the tasks in Part C1+2. Play the tape at the same time to control time, allow them some minutes to discuss and finish the task.

Collect answers to the 2 parts by asking Ss individually.

Step 3 Consolidation

Read the text again to get familiar with the text. Then do the running race game: Ask the 4 groups of students to write down as much information as possible on the Bb and compare which group gets the most.

Step 4 Assignment

1. Write a short passage to show what the school life in the UK is like.

2. Make up a dialogue between weihua and a journalist to talk about weihua’s school life in the UK.

3. Read the passage on page 91 and answer the questions below the text. (Sum up what the American school life is like ----- for best class)

Period 3 Reading

Teaching Aims:

1) Allow Ss to get some general ideas about American school life.

2) Practise Ss’ reading skills by reading and finding information.

3) Practise Ss’ oral skills by comparing different school lives in different countries.

4) Practise Ss’ writing skills by assigning the writing task

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Reviewing and warming up

Interview: Invite a student to stand out as Weihua and the others as journalists. Make an interview about Weihua’s school life in the UK. You can also compete to see which group gives the most questions or the best performers.

Step 2 Reading and analyzing

a) Ask Ss to read the passage on page 91 following the tape and think about the questions below, play the tape at the same time to control time.

Check the answers.

b) Pair work: finish the following form in pairs.

School life time subject homework activities teachers tests




Check their answers by filling in the form with the whole class.

Ask Ss to discuss which they like best, the school life in the UK, in China or in the USA and why.

Step 3 Consolidation

Ask Ss to finish the task in part E, page 5. Check the answers.

Then suppose Daniel Adams is writing to you and would very much like to be your penfriend, can you write back to him and tell him more about Chinese school life?

Have a discussion on class if time permits, otherwise, set it as a written homework.

Step 4 Assignment

Write a letter to Daniel Adams to tell sth about the Chinese school life.

Finish part D on page 4 and review the texts we’ve learned.

Some extra reading materials.

Period 4 Reading

Teaching Aims: 1). Inform Ss of the useful sentences and phrases in this unit.

2). Build Ss’ basic knowledge by practicing the language points.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Revision

Check their homework and explain the language points mentioned. Ask Ss to take notes wherever necessary.

Step 2 Language teaching

Go through the important sentences and grammar points in the text with the whole class. Give them explanation detailed enough and practice some difficult ones.

The langue points that should be mentioned are on the handout. You can also go through the handouts with the whole class.

Step 3 Exercise

Finish the workbook exercises on page 79, 81, D1 first.

If time is limited, set D2 as homework.

Step 4 Assignment

Review what we’ve learned in this lesson.

Finish the tasks on Page 81+82.

Prepare a debating according to the passage on P82 (for best class).

Period 5 Listening

Step 1 Reviewing

Check Ss’ homework of translation and reading on p81 and p82.

Step 2 Oral practice

Ask Ss to work in groups and show their own opinions about school uniform.

Make a debate in groups or whole class about whether we should have school uniforms. (for best class)

Step 3 Listening test

Listen to the tape and finish the related tasks on page 84.Go through the tasks one by one with the whole class, do make everything clear.

Step 4 Assignment

Some tasks on the handout. (sentence translation or so )




1) There are a lot of c    relics in our country.

2) Though he recovered from his illness, he r    weak.

3) The house b    to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.

4) Heavily as it rained, they were still out in s    of the missing boy.

5) Our school was d    by a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai, whose s    many people prefer.

6) I sent him a watch as his birthday g    , and he gave me an mp3 in r    .

7) Look yourself in the m    and find what there is in your face.

8) They are twins. No w    I can not tell them apart.

9) He has been working hard these days. There’s no d    that he will get good marks in the exam.

10) Before they moved into the new house, they bought some new f to equip with the house.

11) During the war, much of the p    of that family was transferred (转移) s    .

12) He was c   to be honest. In fact, the e   he gave p  to be false.

13) In my o    , we can’t take the toy car a    .

14) Don’t p    to have known all. Please raise your questions if any.

15) In the old times, many political leader were not thought h of.


look into         调查

insist on sth/doing sth 坚持做,坚决做

belong to 属于

get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失

do with 处理;对付

in search of ; 寻找

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

be made into 被制成

be made of /from 用……制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)

be made for 为……制作

be made up of 由……组成

be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词お

“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征

be of (great) importance= “be (very) important”

be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind...

in return 作为报答

serve as 充当,用作

be at war 处于交战状态

less than 少于

there is no doubt that 毫无疑问

remain a mystery 仍然是个迷

take apart 拆开

take away 拿走

rather than 胜于, 而不是

tell the truth 说实话

pretend to do sth 假装做某事

think highly of 看重,重视

agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事” “使遭遇某种 (不幸的)事情”

2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中

1)     , I didn’t trust you at all.

2) The whole family went out    the lost girl the whole night.

3) I    the friendship between us. Without it, I think I will go mad.

4) David helped her a lot and    she bought him a gift.

5) We all know that all the books and magazines mustn’t    from the library.

6) Nobody thought the two countries could do it together, because they


7) Although many people object the proposal, he still    carrying it out.

8) I don’t    what you said though you said a lot.

9) The government promised that they would    this problem soon and gave us a reply.

10) Do you know what it was that this new type of paper    ?


1. It took a team of the country’s best artist ten years to make it.(P1)

It takes sb. some time to do sth.


It took me 3 hours to finish the maths exercise last night.



2) 他花了接近3年的时间来搜集他们的犯罪证据。

2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. (P2)

There is no doubt + that从句 毫无疑问

There is no doubt that I will back you all the time.



1) 一些研究人员相信毫无疑问能找到一种治疗爱滋病的方法。

2) 毫无疑问他胜任这项工作。


1. It tells people about the past. (P1)

tell n.

1) 讲, 说, 叙述,告诉

He told the news to everybody in the classroom.


2) 吩咐, 命令(某人做某事)(to do sth.)

Tell him to wait.

3) 常与can, could, be able to连用 辨别; 分辨(from)

Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?



tell sb the news/a story/a lie/the truth/the difference/

2. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics. (P1)

look into 调查,研究,了解。如:

We’ll look into that right away.


The police are looking into the cause of the accident.



look about [around] 环顾四周,到处看

look after 照顾,照料,关心。如:

look at 看……,注视……;看待

look back 回顾,回想。

look down on [upon] 看不起,瞧不起

look for 寻找

look forward to 期待,盼望。

look in (顺便)来访

look like 看起来象;好象要;

look on 旁观;看(待)(尤指带有某种目光或情绪等);看作,当作(与 as 连用)

look out 向外看;注意,当心

look over 审阅,翻阅,打量,检查

look through 翻阅,浏览。如:

look to 注意,负责。如:

look up (在文字信息中)查阅,查找

look up to 尊敬。

3. Frederick William Ⅰ, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1)

could never have imagined “可能从来没有想到”



(一定) must,

(不可能) can’t, couldn’t,

(应该) should,

(可能) may, can,

(可能) might, could(但可能性较小)

2)这些表推测的情态动词后可以跟:do sth(将来动作或现在状态

be doing sth (现在正进行的动作)

have done sth (已经发生的动作)

She may come tomorrow. 明天她可能来。

She may be reading in the room. 她可能正在房间里看书。

She may have finished her homework. 她可能已经完成了她的作业。


He must have gone to Beijing, hasn’t he?

They couldn’t have finished it yesterday, did they?

【特别提示】could have done还可表示“本来能够做某事,但事实上没有做”

类似用法还有:should have done “本来应该做某事”

ought to have done “本来应该做某事”

need have done “本来需要做某事”

3. Frederick William Ⅰ, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1)

could never have imagined “可能从来没有想到”

4. This was a time when the two countries were at war. (P2)

at war 发生战争 at在这里表示“处于某种状态”


at a disadvantage 处不利地位

at a lecture 在演讲

at a run 跑着

at breakfast 吃早餐

at call 随叫随到

at church 做礼拜

at dinner 吃饭

at ease 悠闲自得

at grass 在吃草

at graze 在吃草

at hand 在手边

at high/low 处于高潮/低潮中

at issue 在争论中

at large 未被捕

at leisure 空闲着

at meals 在吃饭

at peace 悠然自得

at play 在玩耍

at rest 在休息

at school 在读书

at stake 处在危险中

at study, at table 在吃饭

at the bar 受到公开审问

at the piano 在弹钢琴

at the wheel 在驾车

at work 在上班

5. She has a strong love for cultural relics. (P5)

have a strong love for 非常喜欢 这里须要注意“名词+for”的固定结构: 下列名词后要用for+名词

plan, need, reason, explanation, ability, affection, excuse, ambition, anxiety, reputation, consideration, necessity, talent, sympathy, cause, pretext,qualification You must make up a plan for the new term.

Most of us have great sympathy for the weak.

6. A judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. (P5)

decide + 疑问词+to do sth

【词汇网络】能用“疑问词+to do sth”做宾语的动词还有:

know, see, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, remember, think, wonder, understand

7. The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks. (P5)

consider V

1) think about考虑,

Consider carefully before you decide.

They considered your suggestion.

He is considering studying abroad.

We are considering how to help them.

2) regard as认为

I consider him (to be/as) my closest friend.

=I consider (that) he is my closest friend.

He is considered to have invented the first computer.


I consider it wrong for students to smoke.



Considering (that) he did not study, he did well in the test.



see...as +(adj/n), accept...as, recognize...as, regard...as, treat...as, use...as, have...as, imagine...as, appoint...as, choose...as, elect...as, think of...as, describe...as

【特别提示】consider后面可以跟上doing做宾语,也可以用consider sb to do sth

在做题时要注意在被动语态后跟to do sth/to be doing sth/to have done sth,而在主动语态时才跟上doing sth。

Bell was considered to have invented the telephone.

Bell considered inventing a useful object for human beings.










技能目标:1、学会阅读的技能——scanningand siing 。








重点:1、训练scanningand siing等阅读技能。













一节课的良好开始,对于整节课教学的顺利进行起着至关重要的作用。在Waring up 部分我分四步进行:

1、用问问题的形式导入(屏幕显示)。同时板书Unit 1 Friendship。

D u have an friends? Are u gd t ur friends?

Which ind f friend d u thin is the best friend?

2、做调查:在Waring up部分有5个问题,我让学生独立完成。然后在屏幕上显示下列表格。


Grade 1 (5分以下) 直截了当,做事果断,没考虑不良后果。

Grade 2 (10分以下) 能用更合理的方法处理问题,又不伤朋友之间的感情,但自己的利益有时会受损。

Grade 3 (10分以上) 不伤感情,又能保全自己利益。



A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。

Real friends are few and far between. 知音难得。

Lng distance separates n bs friends. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。





Wh d u need friends?

What d u thin a gd friend shuld be lie?

Des a friend alwas have t be a persn?

让学生讨论后回答。引出课文的主题 Anne’s best friend –DIAR.





Wh did Anne ae her diar her best friend ?

When did this str happen?

Hw lng did the hide befre the were discvered?

Anne’s best friend:

When was the diar written?

Wh didn’t she g dwnstairs until the windw had t be shut?

Saple diar:


Mae a free discussin.(Ex3 in cprehensin)

__ What wuld u iss st if u went int hiding lie Anne and her fail? Explain wh.

__ Hw wuld u describe Anne’s feelings as she was ling ut int the night s?



Explanatin :

__ She said, “I dn’t want t set dwn a series f facts in a diar as st peple d, but ……” (Change Direct Speech int Indirect Speech)

__ I wnder if it’s because I haven’t been able t be utdrs fr s lng that I’ve grwn s craz abut everthing t d with nature. (it’s because ……that )

__ It was the first tie in a ear and a half that I’d seen the night face t face ……(Understanding Anne’s inside thughts.)




Unit 1 Friendship

1、Useful wrds and expressins 2、 Iprtant structures





1. 能力目标:

① Listening: gain useful information and clear views from the listening material;

② Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.

③ Reading: let Ss summarize the main idea

④ Writing: write a letter about how to make friends

2. 知识目标:

① Talk about friends and friendship; how to BE friends; how to gain friendship

② Use the following expression:

so do I / neither do I

I think it is a good idea

All right


③ to get the Ss to master direct speech and indirect speech

④ vocabulary and phrases: upset, calm, concern, careless, loose, cheat, list, share, German, series, outdoors, crazy, purpose, thunder, entirely, power, trust, suffer, teenager, advice, quiz, editor, communicate, situation, add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, so as to, face to face, according to, get along with, fall in love with, join in, be upset about, for once

3. 情感目标:

① To arise Ss’ interest in learning English;

② To encourage Ss to take part in the activities and make Ss confident;

③ To develop the ability to cooperate and communicate with others.

4. 策略目标:

① To develop Ss’ cognitive strategy: making notes when listening carefully;

② To develop and improve Ss’ communicative strategies.

5. 文化目标:

To enable the Ss to come to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.

6. 现实目标

① To make Ss respect each other and friendship

② To make them get well with one another in society

Teaching steps:

Period one

Step 1. warming up

1. Ss listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNE.

2. Brainstorming: let Ss say some words about friendship:careful, warm-hearted, honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, smart, kind, open-minded, responsible….

3. To let Ss make a correct choice about their questions that they meet in warming up.

Step 2. practice speaking

1. Ss talk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.

2. Self-introduction or work in pairs

3. Ss can ask some questions about life or learning

Step 3. Make new friends

1. Ss go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following form name age/hobbies/favorite sports, books …

2. Report to the class: who will probably be your friend why.

Step 4. Do a survey

Ss do the survey in the text on P1

Step 5. Listening and talking

Do Workbook on P41 (Talking). While Ss listen to the material, ask them to take notes about the speaker’s views of making friends.

When Ss make their conversation, ask them to try to use the following expressions.

I am afraid not exactly I agree I think that is a good idea of course not

Step 6. Discussion

Divide Ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss. There are four topics.

Topic 1: Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

Topic 2: There is a saying “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” What do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?

Topic 3: Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? Why?

Topic 4: List some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.

Step 7. Summary

1. Ask Ss themselves to summarize what is friendship and what is the most important in making friends.

2. T shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship.

What is friendship?

I want to find the answer to the question

What is friendship?

When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.

It can give me a piece of clear sky.

When I’m crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief.

It can wipe my tears dry.

When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.

It can bring me happiness again.

When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.

It can help me escape my troubles.

When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.

It can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.

It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.

3. Tell Ss: make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.

Step 8. Evaluation

Ss finish the following evaluation form. Standard: A, B, C

Contents 自评 他评

1. I’m active in talking with others.

2. I’m active in cooperating with others.

3. I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately.

4. I know more about friendship after the lesson…

5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some ways? Which ways?


1. Look up the new words and expressions in warm-up and pre-reading in a dictionary.

2. Write a short passage about your best friend.

Period two

Step 1. Warming up

Activity 1: Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV at home.

How would you feel?

What would you do?

Four students a group discuss with each other for 2 minutes.

Activity 2: Play a short part of the movies

Step 2. Predicting

Students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess:

Who is Anne’s best friend?

What will happen in the passage?

Step 3. Skimming

Students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea:

Who is Anne’s best friend?

When did the story happen?

Step 4. Scanning

Students work in pairs to find the information required below:

Anne in World War Ⅱ

Step 5. Intensive reading

Students work in groups of four to discuss the following open questions:

1. Why did the windows stay closed?

2. How did Anne feel?

3. What do you think of Anne?

4. Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).

5. Which sentences attract you in the passage?

Step 6. Activity

Four students a group to discuss the situation:

Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.

What will you take? Why?

How will you spend the 3 months?

How will you treat each other and make friends?

Step 7. Assignment

Task 1. Surf the internet to find Anne’s Diary and read some of it. Print out a piece of the diary and write down your feelings after reading it on the page. We will share the pieces and your feelings with the whole class.

Task 2.Ex 2.3 on Page3

Period three

Step 1. Warming up

Check the Ss’ assignment: task 2

Step 2. Language points:

1. add (v.)

1). To put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

Please add something to what I’ve said, John.

2). To join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加

Add up these figures for me, please.

add to something: to increase 增加

The bad whether added to our difficulties

add up to总计、加起来共是

Having a big breakfast adds up to 112


Please add the names to your list

2. Cheat v.

1). To act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊

2). (of, out of) to take from (someone) in a dishonest way 骗取

The boss has cheated out of his money

1). an act of cheating 作弊行为

2). one who cheats 骗子

3. Go through

1).To examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究

I went through the students’ papers last night.

2).To experience 经历,遭受

They went through the terrible earthquake at night

4. Crazy (adj.)

1). mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的

It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.

2). wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的

She is crazy about music

5. Lonely (adj.) unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤独的.,寂寞的

He has been very lonely since his wife left him.



1). without or separated from others单独的

She lives alone.

2). only 仅仅,只有。用于名词或代词之后。

The gloves alone cost $ 80.

Leave/let sb. or sth. alone: not take, touch or interfere with sb or sth 不带走,不触摸,不干涉某人或某事

Leave that alone. It’s mine.

She has asked to be left alone.

6. be concerned about/for: be worried about 担心

We’re all concerned about her safety

Concern oneself in something 从事或参与某事

He concerned himself in the case

Be concerned with…  与…有关

The car accident was concerned with my carelessness

7. upset:

1). Adj. worried; sad; angry; not calm 不安,心烦意乱, 生气

He is upset about the little things。

2). V. cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm 使不安,使生气

His cheating on the exam upset his mother

8.well n.井 adj. 身体好 adv. 好 Int. 噢,

George was well and truly drunk.

I couldn’t very well say no when there was no one else she could ask.

9. spellbind: to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人,是入迷

The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.

Step 3. Learning about language

1. Finish Ex.1, 2 and 3 on Page 4.

2. Direct speech and indirect speech: Ss do Ex.1 and 2 on Page 5. Then let the Ss themselves discover the structures.

Step 4. Practice

Using structures on Page 42: ask the Ss to use indirect speech to retell the story.

Step 5. Assignment

Finish Workbook. Ex, 1 and 2 on page 41 and 42.

Period four

Step 1. Revision

Check the Ss’ assignment.

Step 2. Reading

Ss read the letter on page 6 and tell each other how to help the student named Lisa


1. get along with

2. fall in love with

Step 3. Listening

Ss should take notes while they are listening.

1 .first listening: Ss listen and answer the questions of part 2 on page 6.

2. second listening: Ss listen again and finish part 3 on page 6.

Step 4. Listening

Ss listen to a story about Anne and try to finish Workbook. Ex 1 and 2 on page 43 and page 44.

Step 5. Speaking

Ss work in groups of four, design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. They can use the quiz in the warming up to help them.

Step 6. Assignment

1. Ss prepare the reading task on page 44.

2. Surf the internet and find some material about friendship in different countries.

Period five

Step 1. Warming up

Ss say something about making friends and how to maintain friendship.

Step 2. Listening

Ss listen to a short passage and fill in the blanks on page 41 (listening).

Step 3. Reading

1. first reading: Ss read the passage about friendship in Hawaii and finish Workbook.Ex1.on page 45.

2. second reading: Ss read again and discuss the questions on page 45.

3. Ss share their material about friendship in different countries in groups, and then choose some groups to show theirs in class.

Step 4. Discussion

What do you and your friends think is cool?

Ss look at the photos on page 46 and in groups of four talk about whether what they are doing is cool or not.

Ask Ss to use the following sentences while they talk:

I think that… is cool/ isn’t cool because ….

I think so.

I don’t think so.

I agree with you.

I don’t agree with you.

Step 5. Assignment

Ss collect some proverbs about friendship.

Period six

Step 1. Pre-writing

1. Read a letter from a student called Xiao dong.

2. Go over the advice on page 7 and be ready for writing.

Step 2. While-writing

Ask the Ss to write a letter to Xiao dong as an editor and give him some advice.

1. Ss make a list of the important information they can need

2. Ss begin to write the letter to Xiao dong.

3. Ss revise their letters by themselves.

4. Ss exchange their writing paper with their partners and correct the mistakes (tense, spelling, letters, structures….)

5. Ss get back their own writing paper and write the letter again.

Step 3. Post-writing

Choose some students’ writing paper and show in the class. Ask the Ss to correct the mistakes together and also learn from some good writings.

Step 4. Writing for fun

1. Ss read the passage on page 7 by themselves.

2. Ss try to write a few lines to describe their best friends or a person they know.

3. Show some Ss’ writings in class.

Step 5. Assignment

Do Workbook. writing task on page 46.

Period seven

Teachers can use this period freely.

Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself on page 47. It is very important to improve their learning interests and abilities。

Teachers can try to let Ss write down their opinions about making friends or friendship in order to make Ss get well with each other in school.



In this unit you will…

Talk about your own lifestyle and find out about other people’s.

Listen to some interviews, radio programmes and a survey.

Read articles about lifestyles and a personal letter.

Write a personal letter.

Review the present tenses.


1 >Look at the photos. What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have?

Use the Key Words to help you.

boring, busy, dangerous, active, easy, lazy, exciting, free, interesting, peaceful, relaxing, stressful


I think a shepherd’s life is peaceful and relaxing-but maybe it’s boring sometimes.


1 Shepherd’s life: lazy/free/dangerous

2 Football player’s life: interesting/exciting/stressful

3 Business manager’s life: busy/exciting/boring

4 Student’s life: interesting/active/stressful

2> Listen. Say which of the people in the photos is speaking.

Example 1 a football player


1 a football player 2 a student 3 a shepherd 4 a business manager


1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot-I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean?

2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life-but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week.

3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad!

4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting.

3> Work in pairs. Talk about the lifestyles below.


A: My aunt’s life is very interesting because she…

B: Yes, but it’s very…

1 My aunt is a business manager in Shanghai and she travels a lot. She has a young daughter. She works very hard so she hasn’t got time for hobbies.

2 Fang Ming is a police officer in Chengdu. He is also a member of a basketball team and plays the game once a week. He goes fishing in his free time.

4> Introduce some more lifestyles of other jobs. Let the students learn more.


5> Imagine the lifestyle of your dreams. Write five sentences about it.


I am a professional tennis player. I live in Beijing but I travel a lot.

6> Think bout your own lifestyles. You know, you are students, you are very busy. In other countries, students ‘s lifestyles aren’t like ours. What’s your opinion about this? Please write them down.

Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?

Teaching aims:

To discuss favorite TV programmes and daily activities.

To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous.

To read two texts in order to check predictions.

To read two texts for specific information.

Teaching difficulties: To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T: I think most of us like watching TV. Watching TV is part of our life, do you think so?


T: We know about all kinds of things from TV. What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? Tell the class. Use the Key Words to help you. (show some slides about TV programmes)


T: Why do you like the programmes?


T: Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?


T: The way a person lives and works is different. Can you imagine an adult does nothing except watch TV all day? Or he only thinks of working and never has time to watch TV? What kind of lifestyle do you think the men in the picture have?


T: In reality few people like do that, but some people like that lifestyle and think it is a perfect day. Now let’s read the text “A Perfect Day?” really?

Ⅱ Reading

Do the exercise true or false to see how much students understand.

1. Brian is not satisfied with the kind of lifestyle.

2. Brian’s wife goes out to work and supports the family.

3. Bob is poor so he has to work day and night.

4. Bob almost has no time to spent with his family.

5. It seems that Bob prefers doing a lot of things all day to doing nothing.

6. Bob’s wife often quarreled with Bob for him doing nothing.

7. Brian has more than a TV set.

8. Brian ‘s wife often complains the money that Brian makes is not enough.

Answers: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6.F 7.T 8.F

T: What does a couch potato refer to?


T: A couch potato is someone who watches lots (some would say too much!) of television.


T: What is workaholic?


T: A person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things. What is different between a workaholic and a couch potato?


T: They are too different. One is lazy and doing nothing, the other like being busy

Ⅲ Read aloud

Do the exercise 3 to let students understand the text.

Read the two texts quickly and underline the TV programmes that Brain usually watches.

the children’s programs, news, old movies, TV series, sports games

Underline the kinds of work Bob does every day.

meetings and phone calls, urgent matters, do my own paperwork and answer some personal e-mails, look at documents at home, be ready for the next day’s work

Do the exercise 4. Read the two text again and answer these questions:

Ⅳ Discuss

Which lifestyle do you prefer? Which one is healthier?

What can Bob or Brian do to improve their lifestyle?

Possible answers:

Do you work too hard? You may need more time to enjoy your life with your family.

You are too lazy! Your life is too boring only at home .You should go out for work and do some exercise.

Ⅴ Language points

1. switch on=turn on 接通, 打开(电器)

. First you should switch the machine on.

switch off =turn off切断(电流等)

He switched it off because he didn’t like the television programme.

他把电视关了, 因为他不喜欢那些电视节目。

switch over 交换位置, 转换

You drive first and then we can switch over.

你先开车, 然后我们换着开。

2. take up占据(时间、空间)

This table takes up too much room.


Her time is fully taken up with writing.


take up 还可以表示: 开始学习某项课程;向…提出;开始做某项工作; 拿起武器;打断某人等。如:

A few years later I dropped medicine and took up physics.

几年以后我放弃了医学, 开始学习物理。

He said he would take up my difficulties with the headmaster.


When can you take up your duties, Doctor White?

怀特医生, 您什么时候可以开始工作?

She took me up suddenly when I suggested that the job was only suitable for a man.

我提出那工作只适合男人做, 她突然不容分说地把我打断了。

He called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom.


3. fill vt./vi 使充满;注入

Flowers filled the garden.


The doctor filled the bottle with some medicine.


be filled with充满

Her eyes are filled with tears.


4. When I get home at about ten, I look at some documents that I bring back from the office so that I can be ready for the next day’s work. (分析句子成分)

5. be /get bored厌倦 , 厌烦

I’m getting bored and homesick.


I’m bored with the subject anyway.


Ⅵ Vocabulary and Grammar

Do the exercise 7, 8 and 9.


Keep a diary about your weekend. Words about 100.

Lesson 2 Relaxing

Teaching aims:

To practise listening for specific information.

To use strategies to predict answers before listening to a text.

To practise expressing preferences

To become aware of hesitation techniques.

To learn about ways of dealing with stress in everyday life.

Teaching difficulties: To practise expressing preferences

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T: Today we are going to study lesson 2 relaxing. What’s meaning of relaxing?


T: Relaxing means to rest while you are doing something enjoyable, especially after work or effort. Do you know what I say?


T: In our life we often face all kinds of stress and worries. Think about situations in your life. Use the key works to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you. Do the exercise 1.


T: Too much stress and worries for a long time does harm to our health, we must think of ways to get rid of them, now look at the picture, stressful?


T: Yes, they are relaxing, these are effective ways of reducing stress.

Ⅱ Listening

T: we will listen an interview about relaxing, but before listening we do an exercise to help you understand.

Do the exercise 2, You will hear the following words in the interview. Use them to complete the sentences.

T: In order to live happily we must think of ways to reduce stress, do you think so? What ways do you have?


T: The interview will give you some new ideas, but before you listen , read the questions carefully, try to think of possible answers.

Do the excise 3 and 4

Do the excise 5

T: Now let me test your remembering ability, you read through the questions, answer them if you can remember any of the answers.

Students listen to the cassette again and answer the questions.

Do the exercise 6.

T: We will listen to Mark’s dialogue about relaxing and stress. I guess maybe you will have the same feeling and experience. Pay attention to his stressful actives and relaxing actives to fill the blank.

When students have checked their answers, ask them “Before exams and before going to parties what do you do to avoid much too stress?

Do the exercise 7

Students look at the Function File activity and see if they can remember or can guess any of the missing verbs.

Students listen to the cassette again and complete the sentences in the Function File.

Remind students of these words’ character: v + ving.

Do the exercise 9

In our oral language we often pause. Now listen to Mark again. Which words or sounds does he use to hesitate?

Students listen to the cassette. After each sentence, pause the cassette so that students can repeat the hesitation device.

Ⅲ Practice- Speaking

In pairs students act out a role play in which one person is not sure what to say and so uses a lot of hesitation words. For example, You borrow your friend’s favorite CD last week. Now she ask you for it back you can’ t find it.

Ⅳ Homework

Write eight sentences about yourself using the verbs in the Function File.

Lesson 3 A Volunteer Teacher

Teaching aims:

To listen for specific facts

To give opinion about voluntary work

To talk about future arrangements and intentions, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and going to

Teaching difficulties:

To talk about future arrangements and intentions, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and going to

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Speaking

T: What does the girl do?


T: Yes she is a volunteer teacher. This is a real story. The girl’s name is Wang Shu, grew up in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Upon graduation from the English department of Beijing Normal University, she left Beijing for Inner Mongolia working as a volunteer teacher. She is still there now. What do you know about this part of China?


T: show a slide to introduce Inner Mongolia (Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) is the first national autonomous region established in China. It stretches along China's northern border with Mongolia and Russia and covers an oblong area of over 1.28 million square kilometers, one eighth of China. Of all the Chinese provinces and autonomous regions, Inner Mongolia is the third largest after Xinjiang and Tibet.) Inner Mongolia falls behind developed areas so it needs volunteers go to work there.

T: What can you say about the girl in the photo?


Ⅱ Listening

Students read the questions and predict the answers

T: I think you must be interested in Wang Shu, now listen to the interview, you will learn more about her and answer these questions.

Students listen to the tape and check their predictions.

Students listen to the tape again and make sure of the answers

Students work in pairs and take turns to retell Wang Shu’s story

Ⅲ Voice your opinion

Is it a good idea to do voluntary work? What reasons do people have for doing voluntary work?

Ⅳ Vocabulary

Do the exercise 5.

Students work individually, thinking about the cues and what they are going to do.

Students read the sentences, decide which words to use, and then complete the sentences.

Ⅴ Grammar

Do the exercise 6

Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to these sentences from the interview. What verb forms are used to talk about the future?

Guide students to draw the following conclusion:

present Simple

present Continuous

going to + infinitive

do consolidate exercise7, 8and 9

explain further grammar:

Expressing future arrangements and intentions:

be going to-- to express an intention to do something.

Present Continuous-- to talk about future events that we have already fixed or arranged.

Present Simple-- to talk about official events or timetables which we cannot change.

be going to do 与 be doing 的区别

be going to do 表示事先经过考虑过,然后计划好将做某事;迹象将发生某事。

We are going to go climbing this week.

My sister is going to go to Australia in a week.

It is going to snow.

be doing 指立刻决定的计划,没有经过一段时间 的考虑, 意思上相当于be about to do, 但后者不能接时间状语;多用于表示位置移动的动词中,如:go, come, arrive, leave, reach , start;

I am going to hometown this afternoon.

He is leaving.

We are playing the piano at six.

I am about to go out.


1. We are going to do some shopping next Tuesday. (变成否定句)

We ____________________ shopping next Tuesday.

2. I’m going to see my mother on Mothers’ Day. (变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

- ________ going to see your mother on Mothers’ Day?

-NO, _________.

3. She is going to carry these luggage to the train station. (对划线部分提问)

_____ is she going _____?

4. Sophie is going to France the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

_______ Sophie ______ to France?

Answers: 1. aren’t going to do some 2. Are you, I am not

3. What, to do 4. When is, going


A: (1) ________________________tomorrow?

B: I'm going to buy a gift.

A: (2) ___________________________?

B: I'm going to give it to my mother.

A: (3)________________________ ?

B: I'm going to buy a bunch of flower.

A: ___________________________?

B: I'm going to buy it in the Flower World.

A: Are you going there alone

B: No. (5)__________________________.

A: your mother will be happy.


(1) What are you going to do

(2) Who are you going to give it to

(3) What are you going to buy

(4) Where are you going to buy it

(5) I’m going there with my sister

Translate sentences

1. 我们要两点半出发。


2. 明年我们要去加拿大度假。


3. 我将派约翰去帮助你。


4. 约翰和玛丽买了一些家具,他们打算下个月结婚。



1. We are going to start at 2:30.

2. We are going to take a holiday in Canada next year.

3. I’m going to send John to help you.

4. John and Mary bought some furniture, they are going to marry next month.

Ⅵ Homework: writing

You have just started your senior high school. You must have a lot of plans. Choose from the following and write about one of your plans:

Your plan for the next three years.

Your plan for the coming holiday.

Your plan for the coming weekend.

Lesson 4 City and Country


To practise using background knowledge strategies when reading.

To practise reading for specific information.

To express opinion orally and give reasons for them.

To compare one lifestyle with another.


Answer these questions to prepare yourself.

Use the Key Words below to help you.

office, farm, underground, walk, crowded, space, quiet, noisy.

1) How are city and country lifestyles different in China?

2) Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britain?

Show some pictures in the country and in the city.


Read and fill in the table with information about Debbie and Paul’s lives. Add information about your own life and compare.

Debbie Paul You

Lives in A big city a small


Wake-up time 7 am 4 am

Job an accountant a farmer student


hours 8 all day

Works in center of London north of England


activities dance classes, go to the gym, French classes play with his children;

study by distance learning


activities go to the cinema,

drive to the country and go walking there go to London for a weekend break

Look at the chart then try to think out some words to describe the advantages and disadvantages living in the city or the country.


Choose the best answers:

1.From the first paragraph of text 1, we can know that ___

A. Debbie has to get up very early but Paul doesn’t have to.

B .Debbie is rather tired of the underground.

C .Debbie goes to work by car every day.

D .Paul has to travel far away to work every day.

2. In the last paragraph of text 2, it can be inferred that ___.

A. Paul’s wife does not like movies

B. Paul often goes to see the film

C. The life of Paul is very convenient

D. When Paul’s children see the tube, they will get very excited

3. The main idea of text 2 is that ___.

A. Paul lives in a small village in the north of England

B. It is easy for Paul to go to work

C. Paul is busy but without the stress of life

D. Paul’s life is very free

4. Whose life is better, Debbie’s or Paul’s?

A .Debbie’s. B. Paul’s. C. Both.

D. Different people have different ideas.

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the texts?

A. Debbie has to spend all morning checking numbers every day on workweeks.

B. Debbie likes to go to the countryside to have a weekend break sometimes.

C. Debbie and Paul are both movie fanatics and both see movies a lot.

D. Paul likes all the crowds and the noise in London.

Answers: BDCDC

Languages points:

1. That’s what people call …

He’s a new comer. That’s what I know about him.

That’s how… That’s why… That’s where…

2. …it’s so crowded that I can’t find …

so …that…引导结果状语从句,如此…以至于…

Anna works so hard that she has little time for rest.

Tommy got up so late that he missed the first bus.

3. I spend all morning checking numbers.

spend some time doing sth. 花费时间做――

I spend two hours doing my homework everyday.

4. We don’t have the same work hour that office workers in the city have. that引导的从句表示的内容与主句所讲的是“同一”

That’s the same purse that I bought last Sunday.

对比 That’s the same purse as I bought last Sunday. (同我丢失的那个一样,但不是同一个)

5. Right now I am studying by distance learning.

distance learning 远程教育

6. …it’s my dream to see the Great Wall …

不定式to see the Great Wall作真正的主语,前面的it是形式主语。

dream of


I often dream of myself becoming a great singer.

I never dreamed of meeting you here.


7. My wife calls me a movie fanatic.


We call him our monitor.

8. …so I don’t get the chance to go very often.

get the chance to do-有机会做――

I’m so happy that I got the chance to go abroad.


Choose the best answers

1 –Bob told me not to swim in this river.

--That’s I told him.

A how B it C that D what

2-Don’t spend too much time the game.

--I see.

A to play B playing C played D play

3 –I saw a pen in the garden yesterday.

--Where is it now? It’s the same pen I lost.

A that B as C which D what

Keys: D, B, A


Use the words from the texts to complete the sentences below.

accountant, tube, underground, crowded, nearby, otherwise, career, fanatic, forecast, distance learning

1) In England, the is often called the . Many people travel on this to work.

2) I am a real book . I have so many books in my flat. It looks like a library!

3) The says that the weather this weekend is going to be sunny and warm.

4) If you like maths you could be an , you could be a maths teacher.

5) There is a restaurant and it is always because it is so popular.

6) I am studying by to improve my .


1 underground, tube 2 fanatic 3 forecast 4 accountant, otherwise 5 nearby, crowded 6 distance learning, career


Talk about it. How are Debbie and Paul’s lifestyles different? How are they similar?

Example Debbie has to travel to work but Paul doesn’t.

They both have to work.


Where do you live? In a city or in the countryside? What do you like about where you live?

List three things.

Then try to write an essay to describe the place where you live , if you like there and the reason you like it or dislike it.


Section One

Step 1. Warming-up

Let students have a free talk about their high school life, especially the first day of high school.

Step 2. Fast reading

Ask students to read the text quickly, and then ask them to answer the following questions.

1. Jenny was happy that she was wearing new jeans and a nice shirt on her first day of high school. (True or False)

2. Jenny doesn’t like math at all. (Tue or False)

3. What happened while she was looking fir Room211?

4. How were the girls she met?

5. Why did she think it was hard to be a teenager?

Step 3. Further understanding

1. Brainstorms of different feelings: Let your imagination fly! Work with you group.

2. Work with your partner to find out the different feelings Jenny had on her first day of high school.

Step 4. Language points

1. so…that

2. get lost/ married/ burnt/ paid/ changed/ separated

Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

3. lonely; alone

Marry lived in a(n) _____ hill village.

A. lonely B. alone

4. make sure

be sure of/ about/to/ that-clause

Make sure that all the lights are off before you leave the office.

5. There was a girl sitting in front of me.

6. pick up 捡起/接受/接人

pick out/ off

David _____ the paper and read it through on the roadside.

A. picked out B. picked C. picked up D. picked off

7. get used to doing

be used to doing

be used to do sth.

used to do

- Do the Smiths live next door to you?

- No, but they_____.

A. used to B. got used to it C. were used to D. was used not to

Step 5. Homework

Make up a story about the first day of high school.

Section Two

Step 1. Revision

Review some phrases learned in last class.

Have the students to make a speech about the high school life.

Step 2. Make an adjective.

Explain “…ful” to the students, and give some examples.

peaceful careful cheerful harmful

helpful hopeful painful powerful successful

Step 3. Listening

Play the tape to the students. And do the exercises on P5.

Step 4. Speaking

Let the students make up a dialogue according to the material given in the book. And make them act it out.

Step 5. Writing

Write a diary entry about your first day in senior high school. Then ask some students to read it out. Correct it with the students together if necessary.

Section Three


一般来说,修饰名词作定语的常见形式为形容词、短语( 形容词短语、介词短语等)。如:

a beautiful girl

a girl in front of me

a tree 4 meters tall



The girl who is standing in front of me is my sister.

注意:(1) 一定要有先行词,否则定语从句则是“无水之源”。看着句话对吗?Is this girl who you talked of just now?

(2) 关系词分类及作用

关系词可分为关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which 和关系副词where, when, why等。

关系词的作用重大: A. 起连接作用。B.代替先行词。C.在定语从句中充当成分。

Section Four

Step 1. Revision

Go over the Attributive clauses with students together. Make some sentences if necessary.

Step 2. Fast reading

Read the texts quickly, and then give a judge to the following sentences.

1. I felt very nervous when I saw I got a 93 in the math test.

2. My mother was satisfied with my grade.

3. I always like making my mother proud of me.

4. I’m really tired of my mother’s complaints.

Step 3. Further understanding

1. After school, how did the writer feel? Why?

2. Seeing the writer’s score (a 93), how do you think the mother feel? Why? How did the writer feel then?

3. When she arrived home, what was her mother doing?

4. How well did her mother think she should perform in her studies? What happened in her junior high school?

5. By the 7th grade, what did the writer decide to do? Why?

6. When the writer did the greatest like a 100, did her mother congratulate her? Why? Or why not?

7. Why did the mother desire the girl so much? What about your parents?

Step 4. Language points

1. feel like 摸着象,感觉象;想要做

It makes me feel like I’m not good enough.

I feel like a cup of tea.

I don’t feel like eating anything after the long journey.

2. be typical of sb. to do

It was typical of her to say that.

3. congratulate sb. on sth.

4. hope/wish

hope+ that-clause

hope to do sth.

wish sb. to do sth.


wish sb. Sth.


I wish I were you.

I wish I could do that for you.

I wish I would fly to the moon in a moment.

I wish I had left yesterday.

5. V-ing 作状语


“Can’t you read?” Mary said, ______.

A. pointing angrily B. and point angrily

C. pointed angrily D. and angrily pointing

6. go through

drive sb. crazy

in a way

be faced with

hang out

put all efforts into sb.

be based on

lose touch with

let sb. down

Step 5. Difficult sentences

1. You see, next time try harder, and you will succeed.

2. So what if I miss a few questions.

3. That’s not the point.

4. As I opened the door, I found my mom where I usually find her, over the sink preparing dinner and washing the dishes.

Step 6. Homework

Review the whole unit. Write down the difficult points, you think.